KOHS is an Austrian SME specialized in ICT development in the fields of ergonomics, occupational safety and health as well as social research and implementation of health and quality management since 1997.
In the context of digital transformation (in industry as well as in health care systems), KOHS works on concepts and technologies for integrated learning and socio-technical system design (STS).
A main research focus of KOHS is given to technical research and development in the fields of risk ontology models, decision support, controlling of management processes (health, quality) and ergonomic interventions as well as blended learning processes / digital content.
3 working areas

KOHS is working in 3 areas: 1: technology / machine intelligence (AI) -> for the purpose of 2: methods and models of organizational development and working system analysis and design -> for the purpose of 3: creating approaches to enable capacity building in social systems.
Projects done
R&D projects
KOHS participated on several international research & development projects in different health domains and/or for industrial development or pure technology projects.
Implementation projects
KOHS performs implementation projects in different settings (e.g. @ organization and @ community) at national and international level. At organizational level projects get connected with the research focus: iL & STS (integrated learning and socio-technical system design.
Educational activities
By performing educational activities (formal learning courses and and informal learning) in health care as well as in industries KOHS got direct access to the primary end users, which is essential for operative as well as strategic research and development.
Mi projects
The integration of sensor devices or generally data sources (MADAS integration or short: Mi) forms a separate project category. Here KOHS combines the technical development with research in the corresponding risk domain.
Research chain (from work science / ergonomics perspective)
The focus areas of KOHS in the research chain (ergonomics perspective) are the output of interventions (socio-technical system design) and the outcome (learning process in organizations) but also technology areas (with the main subject: applications for intervention)..