KOHS participated and contributed to the 36th Summer University on Ergonomics, 3-5 July 2024, organized by Hungarian Ergonomics Society and Austrian Ergonomics Association.

The event took place in Gyöngyös, Hungary, not far away from Budapest.
Besides inputs on Industry (3.0 to) 5.0, machine and system safety and updates in standardisation this event also allowed experiencing moments of “theory-practice” during a company visit @ the MUBEA Aerostructures Zrt. Eger site.
“Entering the unknown” has been the motto and indeed: “This event series can be seen as a prototype of a high level 2nd order knowledge reproduction approach, because the subject ist not only improvement but also improvement of improvement.”, concluded Harald Kviecien.
read more on the: 36th Summer University on Ergonomics.